

Since I finished the Vipassana retreat so many projects came to my mind. Help people was my best interest, I couldn’t think about anything else. How this technique will be able to help so many people… but of course those people doesn’t even know what meditation is and wouldn’t be able to imagine themselves in a 10 day meditation silent retreat. So in my mind I was wondering how I could bring the technique to them, and I got my answer… blending all the knowledge that I have been gathering for the last year would be the solution. Different communities would respond in a different way to whatever I have to offer, so with approaching each of them from a different angle, they will reach the same goal… Bringing them hope to their lives, giving them the tools to be confident in themselves and build community around them to help one each other.

With this idea in mind I start developing different ways to approach different communities. Acroyoga will be the key to unlock their true soul, with playfulness and trust they will start to open up to themselves and to others. Aerial yoga will help them with difficulties of movement and fears in themselves. Yoga will bring them routine, discipline and clarity in the mind. With massage they will discover how to treat people, to be gentle, to bring consciousness to their own body language and touch. And finally meditation will bring them state of peace and harmony within themselves and with the world around them.

It will be different steps for each community, and it will take time, but nothing is impossible, and when you believe in something you are already creating something, when mind power is strong you can change the world.

In Vipassana you learn that compassion is the key of happiness, helping people, giving back to the community. This is my project, is my way of giving. It might take time, but I know is possible and it will happen sooner or later. And as long as the intention is there, the world will be a better place.

If there is anybody that thinks the same as me and wants to propose a specific project please contact me, Im open to ideas!